5D Thinking on Multisensory System of Brain and Five Senses
Some scientists believe that the five senses are in fact just one sense. By this, they mean that all the senses are parts of a single system. Your brain combines the stimuli from your five senses into one conscious thought, such as: ‘It feels peaceful here’. Like gathering the pieces of a puzzle, it combines the input from your five senses in a process called multisensory integration. In this final chapter, we will explore the concept of multisensory integration.
Multi-sensory integration refers to how the five senses work together to achieve a certain function or outcome. This means that the various body systems such as vision, hearing, smell, taste and touch are interconnected like pieces in a puzzle. It is only when the puzzle is complete and the brain receives data from all the senses that we can see the whole picture. This concept is first developed by an eleventh century physician and philosopher known in Islamic civilization as Ibn Sina (d. 1036) and in the West as Avicenna. He argued that we have an internal sense called “common sense” (al-hiss al-mushtarak) which combines all the data received from individual external five senses. Therefore, for Ibn Sina multisensory integration is achieved by the common sense. Then, this combined data is sent to the mind where it undergoes the process of thinking.COMMENTS
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