It is a unique approach to read the universe ... ...like an elegant book. It is a new way of understanding science... ...to strengthen your belief and establish sound character.
What are the 5Ds ?
The 5DT approach is the first of its kind. It does NOT follow an eclectic approach, that simply add religious and ethical messages to scientific knowledge. Rather, it follows an integrative approach to derive meaning and character lessons from the scientific study of the universe. Thus, the 5D Thinking approach provides an enrichment in our scientific understanding of the universe by enabling us to see five dimensions of the experienced reality:
First, the analytical thinking dimension demonstrates how to filter embedded atheistic ideology from pure scientific knowledge. It explores a particular cosmic phenomenon based on scientific understanding without ascribing the ultimate reality to material causes, nature, or chance.
Second, the analogical thinking dimension compares and contrasts the observed phenomena in the cosmos with human-made phenomena for better comprehension. This dimension is based on the phenomenological approach assuming that the knowledge of the transcendent self is the key to learn everything else. It provides a useful analogy that helps readers learn and interpret unknown phenomena through their knowledge of known phenomena.
Third, the critical thinking dimension helps readers question how the observed phenomena might have come into existence. Through critical thinking, it encourages readers to question material causes, natural properties and chance as possible sources of our observed reality. It aims to guide readers beyond material causation and natural properties to pursue hidden realities.
Fourth, the meditative thinking dimension helps readers seek the Maker of the observed phenomena and understand the hidden messages/meanings of His acts. It makes an argument that given the interconnectivity of everything in the universe, the Maker of one thing is the Maker of everything. It also shows how to read God’s knowledge by reflecting on His works in the universe like a meaningful book.
Fifth, the moral thinking dimension encourages readers to reflect on the benefits of the observed phenomena and emphasizes how everything is custom-made for a specific beneficial outcome. It encourages readers to reflect on God’s creation as a unique and precious gift for them and/or others. It guides them on how to derive character lessons from the observed phenomena as a result of the contemplation included in the previous dimensions. It invites them to feel sincere appreciation for the special gifts granted by the Most Merciful and Most Kind. It encourages them to show kindness to others through good character.
In short, the 5D thinking approach aims to develop positive views of science from a holistic perspective, as a means for building better character. It will show how to gain character lessons by studying the universe for both instrumental and meditative knowledge.

Keep ReadingHow to apply 5DT ?
How to apply 5DT ?
The 5D Thinking approach consists of the following five steps:
First, it will filter any explicit or implicit message regarding causes, nature, or chances to be the true source of observed phenomena. For instance, if we are going to talk about how a delicious baklawa comes to be, it is wrong to give a recipe with implied message as if that is possible without a chef with conscious, knowledge, will, and power. It does not matter how accurate and helpful the recipe is, such information will be false and misguided. At this dimension, it is also important that we point to observe universal phenomena as being extraordinary and amazing. Indeed, nothing is ordinary if we remove the veil of ignorance. Thus, readers shall be truly amazed with this extraordinary and dynamic creative acts in the universe.
Second, it will use analogy to make subject understandable and convincing. We think that the ultimate seat of verified knowledge is the heart, not the mind. People practice what they believe. In other words, they follow what they put in their heart. Using analogy is the way for a person to verify a new knowledge to reach a level of certainty in order to put his/her heart. Thus, it is very important to have sound and simple analogy.
Third, it will encourage readers to engage in critical thinking through questioning based on the analogy in the previous dimension to find out the answer about the true source of the observed phenomena. The third dimension will help readers to eliminate false choices and find the right one through logical questioning.
Fourth, it will help readers to assure that the correct choice is indeed evidence based and verifiable. Since according to constructive learning theory, people learn through constructing their own understanding, the fourth dimension will give opportunity to know why God alone is the Maker of the observed phenomena. The key is to help them readers to see how nothing works in isolation. Everything is connected to everything else for certain purposes and benefits. Thus, whatever we enjoy is a purposefully made fruit of the tree of the universe. For instance, apple does not come from an apple tree. It comes from the tree of the universe in terms of being connected to the entire universe. The ultimate objective is to know the existence and attributes of God through His universally connected acts.
Fifth, it will help readers to understand infinite value of the observed phenomena in terms of being the fruit of the universe. Then, it will make them to feel infinite appreciation through understanding the importance of this gift for them and other beings in the universe. Assuming that the universe is the most meaningful book containing lessons for our life, the readers will encourage to derive some character lessons from the topics studied.
In short, the 5D knowledge-based character education model seeks to help readers to develop positive views of science from a holistic perspective, as a means for building better character. It will show how to gain character lessons by studying the universe for both instrumental and meditative knowledge.

Keep ReadingFor whom is 5DT ?
For whom is 5DT ?
The 5D Thinking approach shall be appealing to people of different faiths, particularly to followers of Abrahamic religions around the world. Generally, anyone who is interested in learning to integrate faith, science, and character education shall benefit from the 5DT approach.
Science teachers might integrate the 5DT materials into their curriculum to help their students to discover additional dimensions of the reality and gain character lessons while learning a particular scientific topic.
Character education teachers might use the 5DT materials as a textbook for in their classes.
Parents might use the 5DT materials to teach their kids how to derive character lessons from the science topics as their kids learn those subjects at schools.
Students might use the 5DT materials to supplement what they learn at schools. The 5DT materials shall be easy for self-learning for students of 5th grade and above.
Once successfully implemented, students are expected:
  • To love science and faith as they see how both complement each other
  • To learn the language of the universe
  • To practice how to read the signs in the book of the universe
  • To reach certainty about the Author of the book of the universe and be more God conscience in their life
  • To get to know God (the Author) through studying His works unveiled by science
  • To build better character as they read character lessons in the book of the universe and realizing universal validity of certain values.
As shown in the diagram below, we are expected to engage in 5D thinking to experience 3D of reality and happiness:
Analytical Thinking
Analogical Thinking
Critical Thinking
Meditative Thinking
Moral Thinking
Physical Reality
Moral Reality
Sensual (bodily) pleasure
Intellectual pleasure
Spiritual & moral pleasure

Keep ReadingWho are the 5DT team ?
Who are the 5DT team ?
Writing Team and Executive Editors
Dr.Necati Aydin (Project Director, Co-author, and Executive Editor)
Dr. Aydin has a strong academic background, publication record, and intellectual capacity to write the proposed book. He is a great teacher, researcher, writer, and scholar. He has two doctoral degrees, one in education, and the other in economics. He regularly conducts effective teaching workshops for professors. He has developed his own teaching theory called HHH theory which defines effective teaching and deep learning as the genuine engagement of heart, head, and hands. Academically speaking, he has published extensively on Islamic moral economy based on the Islamic worldview. He organizes annual conferences on Islamic moral economy. He has conducted several funded research projects. As a writer, he has published several books and book chapters. He is the author of Said Nursi and Science in Islam: Character Building Through Nursi’s Mana-i Harfi (2019), Routledge.
Dr. Alparslan Acikgenc (Executive Editor and Co-Author)
Dr. Açıkgenç holds a Ph. D. from the University of Chicago. His main interest of research is the history of scientific traditions of diverse civilizations, primarily Islamic and Western. He wrote a number of books and articles on religion and science, particularly on epistemology and sociology of science. His most recent work, Islamic Scientific Tradition in History (Kuala Lumpur, 2014) won the national science book award of Malaysia for the year 2014. Currently Dr. Açıkgenç is the president of Asian Philosophical Association and a member of Turkish Academy of Sciences.
Nadine Kamal (Co-Author)
Nadine Kamal is a Secondary Science teacher. She earned her Bachelor of Science (Honors Biology) degree from the University of Waterloo and a Master’s in Education in “Leading Learning and Teaching” from the University of Dundee. She has taught children between the ages of 8 and 18 and has experience teaching the International Baccalaureate, American, and English National curricula. She has an avid interest in international education, refugee education and the wellbeing of children and young adults. Nadine has always been fascinated with how science and spirituality intersect. She feels that the current school system lacks an element of ‘wonder’ and leaves little room for children to ponder upon the mystical elements of the universe.
Dr. Yamina Bouguenaya (Executive Editor and Co-Author)
Dr.Yamina made a significant contributions on the 5DT materials related to human brain and five senses. Dr.Yamina is currently director of Receiving Nur which is a fruit of her calling in life. Her life journey includes a blend of cultures, multitude strands of education and complementing perspectives. After completing her Ph.D. in Quantum Physics in England, she lived in Turkey, before moving to the United States. By then, Dr.Yamina's interest had shifted from the world of physics to the vaster and much more mysterious world of the self. This interest leads her to encounter Islamic spirituality and to discover the healing wisdom of the Qur'an. She has taught Arabic and Islamic Studies in various universities in the US. Dr.Yamina is most known to her students and friends as a compassionate and wise mentor. Her lifelong mission is to align spirit, heart, and reason, such as to attain fulfillment and peace through the grace of the All-Merciful. She has been holding study circles (halaqas) on the spiritual application of the Quran in daily life. She also offers spiritual retreats and workshops. ​
International Editorial Board:
  • Dr. Yamina Bouguenaya (Ph.D. in Quantum Physics), Director of Receiving Nur, www.receivingnur.org
  • Dr. Colin Turner (Ph.D. in Islamic Studies), Professor of Islamic Thought, Durham University, UK
  • Dr. Yunus Cengel (Ph.D. in mechanical engineering), Professor Emeritus, Nevada University
  • Dr. Farid Alatas (Ph.D. in sociology), Professor of Sociology at the National University of Singapore
  • Dr. Faris Kaya (Ph.D. in mechanical engineering), Professor Emeritus, Yildiz University, Turkey
  • Dr. Ibrahim Ozdemir (Ph.D. in Philosophy), Professor, Uskudar University, Turkey
  • Dr. Mustafa Tuna, Associate Professor of Slavic and Eurasian Studies, Duke University, USA
  • Dr. Mahshid Turner, Department of Theology and Religion, Durham University, UK
  • Dr. Hakan Gulerce, Assistant Professor of Sociology, Harran University, Turkey
  • Dr. Berghout Abdelaziz (Professor of Islamic studies and Civilisation), Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, International Islamic University, Malaysia

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Why 5DT ?
As Harry Lewis, the former dean of Harvard College, writes in Excellence without A Soul, modern educational system nurtures excellence, but destroys human soul. We think that is because true science reveals the signs of God while some scientists cover them up with their atheistic ideology. True science unveils God’s laws in the universe while some scientists deny the very existence of God. True science discovers how living and non-living beings are geared toward certain purposes through certain behaviors while some scientists declare that we are here for no purpose. As a result, those who study science are likely to have excellence with no faith and moral compass.
The Failed Equation of the Modern Education
Secular Ideology
Since the Enlightenment, while a considerable group of scientists and philosophers consider religion to be simply dogma, most theologians consider scientific views on certain subjects as heresy. The first group of scientists and philosophers dominates modern science, thus offering a completely secular understanding of the universe to the exclusion of any metaphysical frame of mind. The second group of religious scholars is struggling to gain ground for reinstituting a theistic understanding. It has been quite difficult for both sides to embrace one another.
5D thinking is based on belief that ideology-free science and authentic Divine messages do not contradict each other, as they both come from the same source. It assumes that the universe is an elegant book with full of meaning (signs). It considers pure science as a great way to reveal the Divine signs in the book of the universe. The 5D thinking approach aims to help students to derive certain character lessons from scientific knowledge. It is expected to help students to read the universe like an elegant book conveying Divine messages on how to be a better human being through good character.
The 5D thinking approach aims to implant certain character traits such as hardworking, persistence, patient, humility, honesty, fairness, compassion, sound judgment, self-control, self-confidence, self-worth and empathy. Those character traits can be derived from gaining scientific knowledge in various disciplines.
The 5D Thinking Solution for the Modern Education
Secular Ideology
faith & good

Keep Reading What are the 5Ds ?
It is a unique approach to read the universe like an elegant book. It is a new way of understanding science to strengthen your belief and establish sound character.
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