The Failed Equation of the Modern Education
Secular Ideology
The 5D Thinking Solution for the Modern Education
Secular Ideology
faith & goodcharacters
The Essentials of 5Dimensional Thinking
Studying the universe through science after filtering the embedded secular ideology.
Using analogy to compare and contrast human-made objects with natural objects and events for better understanding
Engaging in critical thinking through questioning to find out the ultimate reality behind the natural objects and events
Reflecting on the interconnectivity, complexity and benefits of natural objects and events to know about their Maker.
Reading the universe as the most meaningful book and deriving moral lessons from scientific studies of natural objects & events.
06 Dec 2022
The Canvas Above
The sky above you is a canvas on which many different scenes are painted. You open your eyes to a breathtaking sunrise and rest as the sun sets, casting its beautiful colors on the sky, resulting in a magnificent sunset. On some days, fluffy clumps of clo
5D Thinking Team
01 Nov 2022
Your Home in the Universe
Look up! You might recognize your home. Your home and mine, in this beautiful, expanding universe, is the Milky Way Galaxy (MWG). From Earth, we see it only as a band of light stretching across the horizon. To understand why, imagine spending your entire
5D Thinking Team
30 Sep 2022
Seeking the True Source of the Latte
We all love sipping a caffé latte on a cold rainy day with a slice of chocolate cake by the side. But have you ever wondered about the source of the latte or milk from which the coffee beverage derives its name? Does it come from the cow? Really? Let me
Consider how sensitive the person who realizes the "use", "existential", "divine" and "gift" values of bananas will be about human rights.
Which One is More Valuable: a Banana or a BMW? by Dr.Necati Aydin
A very well written article on a difficult subject matter. I say difficult because moon is so common and ordinary from layman perspective because one sees it every day without thinking much about it. Difficult because satellite is technical and any description of it can be boring if the approach is not right. IMHO, the best quality of the article is the way the 5D Thinking approach was used to overcome the challenges earlier mentioned plus the fact that the writing methodology and the writer’s style uses the Qur’anic attitude. The article connects the physical realm, with the absolute realms of experiential and transcendent or perhaps the other way round which is not really material. The writing style will help readers to think, acquire knowledge and reflect in the way which is consistent to the Qur’anic attitude and revelation. Meaningfull world - masyaAllah. Chapeau!
Salutations to the Moon
Astounding. I love the way the writer describes the signs (ayah) of the signifier or the observed (mulk) dimension. The underwater world has always intrigued me and I am sure others too. The multiplicity and the relationships describe the unobserved dimension, how the underwater world objects and beings of God’s creation lives as unified harmonious system. Reminding us behind the colors, movements and dramas there is the Creator responsible for every second of activity (life) therein. The writing methodology and style is an example of excellence and consistency with 5D Thinking approach. Chapeau!
Creatures in The Underwater World: The Mariana Snailfish
وَاِلَى الْجِبَالِ كَيْفَ نُصِبَتْ
The erection of stable mountains on the earth provides the balance of the earth. As a matter of fact, it is stated in various verses that fixed mountains were placed there to protect the balance of the earth (for example, see Nahl 16-15; Lokman 31-10; Nebe' 78-7). In addition, it should be taken into account that mountains create more comfortable protection and sheltering environments for living things on earth, provide water resources and river opportunities, make life easier for people and other living things with other opportunities such as special vegetation and mines, and thus contribute to the balance and continuity of the biological order on earth. It is also possible to understand the related verses in this direction. For such reasons, the creation of mountains is frequently reminded in the Qur'an.
See you at the Peak
MasyaAllah, how something you hardly think of and thought as so ordinaire can be one the critical part of human anatomy. Something you unconcsiously habitually touch hundred times a day everyday throughout your lifetime and your vanity thought as just item of beauty. The next time you look at it in the mirror you must reflect it with asma al husna. You will just be amazed that your nose is also Al-Mubdi (The Originator); Al-Muhyi (The Giver of Life); Al-Mumeet (The Inflictor of Death); ... Endless beuties and gifts from God Almighty. And I can help it but analogise it with the life support machine for Covid-19 advance stage patients.
5D Thinking on the Human Nose
Mustafa Tekke
It is unique perspective that the value of the beings is completely changeable how we look at, for me it is more interesting to view from the divine gift aspect, helping me to avoid from familiarity.
Which One is More Valuable: a Banana or a BMW? by Dr.Necati Aydin
Musa 1893
An interesting read. One comes off this being reminded of the need to be grateful and to question that science which is devoid of the sacred...
5D Thinking on the Nitrogen Cycle
Fariha Baig
MAA Sha Allah
Teacher Lesson Plan on the Human Brain using 5D thinking approach
Irni Fazrita Farid
Thank you for the informative reading material. I am reminded of the uniqueness attribites of Allah's creations.
5D Thinking on the Nitrogen Cycle
Hamidullah Marazi
Really an eye opening information
5D Thinking on the Carbon Cycle
Recommended Resources
Reading Wolfgang Smith on Science, Scientism, and Signs of God in the Cosmos Dr. Necati Aydin
Wolfgang Smith is an unequivocally proven giant of science and philosophy. He completed his bachelor’s degree in physics, mathematics, and philosophy at Cornell University at 18 and went on to do a master’s in physics and a doctoral degree in mat...
The Socio-Intellectual Foundations of Malek Bennabi's Approach to Civilization by Badrane Benlahcene (A Book Review by Malik Bilal)
Malek Bennabi (10905-1973), the Algerian thinker and Muslim intellectual, is, unfortunately, lesser-known outside the Arab world. Since Bennabi wrote either in Arabic or French, his incredible work regarding critical analysis and conceptualization of...
A Secular Age by Charles Taylor (A Book Review by Dr. Necati Aydin)
Secular comes from the Latin word “ saeculum ,” meaning a century or age. In his masterpiece, A Secular Age , Charles Taylor (2007)provides an in-depth analysis of secularization. He defines secular as aiming to live the life...
5D thinking is based on belief that ideology-free science and authentic Divine messages do not contradict each other, as they both come from the same source. It assumes that the universe is an elegant book with full of meaning (signs). It considers pure science as a great way to reveal the Divine signs in the book of the universe. The 5D thinking approach aims to help students to derive certain character lessons from scientific knowledge. It is expected to help students to read the universe like an elegant book conveying Divine messages on how to become a better human being through good character.
The 5DT approach is the first of its kind. It does NOT follow an eclectic approach, that simply add religious and ethical messages to scientific knowledge. Rather, it follows an integrative approach to derive meaning and character lessons from the scientific study of the universe. Thus, the 5D Thinking approach provides an enrichment in our scientific understanding of the universe by enabling us to see five dimensions of the experienced reality:
First, the analytical thinking dimension demonstrates how to filter embedded atheistic ideology from pure scientific knowledge. It explores a particular cosmic phenomenon based on scientific understanding without ascribing the ultimate reality to material causes, nature, or chance.
First, it will filter any explicit or implicit message regarding causes, nature, or chances to be the true source of observed phenomena. For instance, if we are going to talk about how a delicious baklawa comes to be, it is wrong to give a recipe with implied message as if that is possible without a chef with conscious, knowledge, will, and power. It does not matter how accurate and helpful the recipe is, such information will be false and misguided. At this dimension, it is also important that we point to observe universal phenomena as being extraordinary and amazing. Indeed, nothing is ordinary if we remove the veil of ignorance. Thus, readers shall be truly amazed with this extraordinary and dynamic creative acts in the universe.
The 5D Thinking approach shall be appealing to people of different faiths, particularly to followers of Abrahamic religions around the world. Generally, anyone who is interested in learning to integrate faith, science, and character education shall benefit from the 5DT approach.
Science teachers might integrate the 5DT materials into their curriculum to help their students to discover additional dimensions of the reality and gain character lessons while learning a particular scientific topic.
Writing Team and Executive Editors
Dr.Necati Aydin (Project Director, Co-author, and Executive Editor)
Dr. Alparslan Acikgenc (Executive Editor and Co-Author)
Nadine Kamal (Co-Author)
Dr. Yamina Bouguenaya (Executive Editor and Co-Author)
Dr. Alparslan Acikgenc (Executive Editor and Co-Author)
Nadine Kamal (Co-Author)
Dr. Yamina Bouguenaya (Executive Editor and Co-Author)