It is a unique approach to read the universe ... ...like an elegant book. It is a new way of understanding science... ...to strengthen your belief and establish sound character.
The 5D thinking project is the product of five years of collaboration between renown professors from various fields such as philosophy, engineering, Islamic studies, and economics. After developing a sound methodology and publishing a book on the subject through Routledge in 2019, the 5D thinking team began drafting educational topics based on the 5D thinking approach for students, teachers, and parents.

≫ We invite you to access our free 5D thinking resources for your educational activities. They are available in two versions: brief and full. You can download them from the 5dthinking website.
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We hope you will be part of our 5D thinking project through the use of our free 5D thinking materials. Please do not hesitate to send us your feedback about our educational resources once you begin to use them.
Warmest Greetings,
5Dthinking Team
It is a unique approach to read the universe like an elegant book. It is a new way of understanding science to strengthen your belief and establish sound character.
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