5D Thinking on Rocks and the Rock Cycle
What is the surface of the Earth made of? Think about the ground beneath your feet, your car and your house. The surface of our planet is known as the Earth’s crust. The crust is composed of nothing but rocks, soil, and minerals. In the newly released 5D thinking topic, we explore the Earth's beautiful rocks through the 5D thinking approach.
In the first dimension, Analytical Thinking, we explore how rocks are made of various minerals and contain organic material such as fossilized plants or animals. We explain the Rock Cycle in terms of weathering, erosion, deposition, metamorphism, and volcanic process. We also highlight some fascinating facts about rocks and the Rock Cycle.
Next, in the second dimension, Analogical Thinking, to better appreciate the Rock Cycle, we reflect on the recycling process of plastic bottles. We learn how this process involves a number of carefully calculated steps and efficient machinery.
Then, in the third dimension, Critical Thinking, we analyze the recycling process and conclude that it cannot occur without the trucks that collect the recyclables, or without the action of workers or worker-operated machines who physically sort the plastic into different types. Thus, we argue that the Rock Cycle, which is both a delicate and highly beneficial process, cannot occur without the work of an even higher Source of intelligence, knowledge, and power.
In the fourth dimension, Meditative Thinking, we reflect on how the formation of rocks is linked to the entire universe at both the macro and micro levels. At the micro-level, for the Rock Cycle to exist, minerals within each rock need to possess specific physical and chemical properties. At the macro level, the Rock Cycle functions through the apparent collaboration between the Sun, the atmosphere, the oceans, the force of gravity and the solar and galactical systems in which they all exist. Thus, we conclude that the delicate and efficient system of the Rock Cycle shows that the Creator is All-Wise. The abundance of rocks and minerals shows that He is the Most Generous.
Finally, in the fifth dimension, the Moral Thinking dimension, we invite readers to reflect on the vital importance of rocks and the Rock Cycle for sincere appreciation. We also derive certain character lessons as we reflect on the process and outcomes of the Rock Cycle.COMMENTS
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