It is a unique approach to read the universe ... ...like an elegant book. It is a new way of understanding science... ...to strengthen your belief and establish sound character.
5D Thinking Team
5D Thinking on the Nitrogen Cycle
Earth Science
Life could not exist without nitrogen. It is an essential element for the building block of living cells. The good news is that nitrogen is everywhere. It is in plants we eat, in the water we drink, and in the air breathe. It is the most abundant element on our planet. Plants cannot grow with too little nitrogen and they can die with too much of it. Nitrogen has strange properties. It can support life or destroy it if it is used for bombs such as the massive one that exploded in Beirut. In this topic, we will explore the nitrogen cycle to understand its importance for life.
5D Thinking on the Earth's Energy Flows
Earth Science
Presence and lack. Form and formlessness. Abundance and poverty. Knowledge and doubt. The world’s design is built around the existence of dualities. The Earth’s multiple systems are no exception to this rule- they are designed to be dependent on the presence or absence of energy. In this topic, we will explore the flow of energy within the Earth's multiple systems.
5D Thinking on Rocks and the Rock Cycle
Earth Science
What is the surface of the Earth made of? Think about the ground beneath your feet, your car and your house. The surface of our planet is known as the Earth’s crust. The crust is composed of nothing but rocks, soil, and minerals. In the newly released 5D thinking topic, we explore the Earth's beautiful rocks through the 5D thinking approach.
5D Thinking on Minerals
Earth Science
Have you ever reflected on the importance of minerals? Without minerals, you would not have access to running water from a faucet, electricity, light, a cereal bowl, a spoon, a drinking glass, or even clothing. In the newly released 5D thinking topic, we explore marvelous minerals through the 5D thinking approach.
5D Thinking on the Carbon Cycle
Earth Science
We follow a Carbon atom in its incredible journey from the atmosphere to the body of a little rabbit. In the process, we learn how the Carbon cycle has been designed to regulate Earth’s temperature, provide sustenance for living beings, build oceanic infrastructure and remove waste.
5D Thinking on the Water Cycle
Earth Science
Did you know that the water found on Earth today is all the water that ever existed on the planet? The reason for this is that water is continuously being recycled from one form to another in a continuous process. This is known as the Water Cycle. In this chapter, we attempt to decode the meanings and messages embedded within this flawless recycling system. This document shows how one can engage in the five-dimensional thinking on the water cycle to derive meaning and moral lessons from the related existing scientific knowledge.
5D Thinking on the Weather and Climate
Earth Science
Have you ever thought about how the Earth manages to keep the average temperature at 14°C? Did you know that perhaps our planet is the only one in the universe with a habitable climate? Through our usual five-dimensional scientific thinking method, we invite you delve into a deep understanding and appreciation of the weather and climate system. We attempt to decode the meanings and messages in this integrated system for an enlightened and flourished life.
5D Thinking on the Earth's Atmosphere
Earth Science
Have you ever thought about why the oceans do not evaporate into space? Or why we never seem to run out of air to breathe in? In this chapter, we will learn about the fascinating aspects of the atmosphere using our usual method: five-dimensional thinking. But more importantly, we will try to interpret the meaning of the wonderful design of the atmosphere: what it means for us, for our lives and for our destiny.
5D Thinking on the Earth's Structure
Earth Science
Our planet Earth is the only planet in our Solar System to have oceans of water on its surface and oxygen in the air. Its layered structure is uniquely designed to support life in all of its various forms. In this chapter, we explore the layered design of the Earth using 5D thinking approach:
5D Thinking on Multisensory System of Brain and Five Senses
Some scientists believe that the five senses are in fact just one sense. By this, they mean that all the senses are parts of a single system. Your brain combines the stimuli from your five senses into one conscious thought, such as: ‘It feels peaceful here’. Like gathering the pieces of a puzzle, it combines the input from your five senses in a process called multisensory integration. In this final chapter, we will explore the concept of multisensory integration.
5D Thinking on COVID-19
Life has almost come to a standstill. The world we live in has been on lockdown for months! Why? Due to a minuscule, lifeless virus that has the capability of disrupting and destroying millions of lives. As of June 2021, more than 172 million people have been infected. Over 3.5 million people have lost their lives. The virus has disrupted economic and social lives everywhere. It has brought human civilization to its knees! We hear almost every day about the destructive sides of the pandemic. But is there any goodness in such an apparent calamity? If we look from a positive perspective, we may give a short answer: “yes”. For a long answer, let us explore it through the 5D thinking perspective.
5D Thinking on the Human Skin and Sense of Touch
Human skin is not simply a waterproof covering of the internal organs. It also contributes to our physical appearance and biological health. In fact, the skin is the body’s largest organ and is incredibly complex. It can easily compete with other organs with its magnificence. Our skin fulfils many different functions. It is home to our body’s first line of defense; it protects the body from cold and heat, as well as germs and toxic substances. The skin is very important to our health and wellness. It is a chemical factory, a construction site, a liquid reserve and a combat zone. It is like wearing a beautiful dress, an amazing armor, and an extremely delicate sensor at the same time. Let us take a journey into our skin to uncover the deeper meanings hidden within. You can download the brief version (5 pages) or the full version (23 pages) from the links on the right side of the page.
5D Thinking on the Human Tongue
Our five senses are designed to provide us with many experiences in this world. However, we need to learn how to interpret these experiences correctly. Otherwise, our perception of truth and reality may be corrupted. Now, let us take a journey deep into the tongue to learn about the experience of taste and see if we can interpret this experience correctly. We will study the structure of our tongue and understand its many roles that include tasting, swallowing and speaking. You can download the brief version (8 pages) or the full version (26 pages) from the links on the right side of the page.
5D Thinking on the Human Nose
Stop and smell the roses,” is a familiar invitation. It is a call to slow down and enjoy life in the present moment. Scientific research shows that this is indeed sound advice for finding satisfaction. Staying present is good for the body, mind, memory and soul. Of course, pleasant odors are not limited to roses. Just think about the sweet aroma of freshly baked cookies. Although it takes only seconds for you to identify a certain smell, in reality, the olfactory system is a very complex biological process. Now, let us take a journey deep into the nose to uncover the deeper meanings and moral lessons hidden within them. You can download the brief version (8 pages) or the full version (26 pages) from the links on the right side of the page.
5D Thinking on the Human Ears
The world is full of amazing sounds to experience. Your ears are portals through which you can communicate with other people, learn language and knowledge and keep your body safe from danger. The structure of your ears is fascinating. While scientists have a general idea of how our ears work, they are still trying to understand the mysteries hidden in the miraculous process of hearing. Now, let us take a journey deep into the ears to uncover the deeper meanings and moral lessons hidden within them. You can download the brief version (6 pages) or the full version (23 pages) from the links on the right side of the page.
5D Thinking on the Human Eyes
Close your eyes and think about what life would be like without vision. You are in absolute darkness now. How do you feel? We depend on our eyes to see, to read and to navigate our way around. Have you ever wondered how your eyes work? Let's have a multi-dimensional journey into the amazing human eyes. You can download the brief version (5 pages) or the full version (19 pages) from the links on the right side of the page.
5D Thinking on the Learning Brain
when you were born in this world you didn’t know much, did you? As a baby, you soaked up the world around you as soon as you took your first breath. You learned to associate your mother’s scent with comfort, milk and rest. How did you learn that? Is it possible to survive in this world without learning?Let's explore the learning brain through 5D thinking approach. You can download the brief version (5 pages) or the full version (26 pages) from the links on the right side of the page.
5D Thinking on the Human Memory
Let's have a deep journey into the miraculous memory by downloading the brief version (5 pages) or the full version (24 pages) of our first 5D topic from the links on the right side of the page.
5D Thinking on the Nervous System
To better understand the value of nervous system, we will explore it through a five-dimensional reflection in the second topic of our 5d thinking series. You can download the brief version (5 pages) or the full version (26 pages) from the links on the right side of the page.
5D Thinking on the Human Brain
Let's have a deep journey into the human brain by downloading the brief version (5 pages) or the full version (24 pages) of our first 5D topic from the links on the right side of the page.
Teacher Lesson Plan on the Human Brain using 5D thinking approach
This is a lesson plan for teachers on how to teach human brain using the 5D thinking approach. The plan includes relevant YouTube video and step by step instruction on how to teach the topic.
5D Thinking Team
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5D Thinking Team
It is a unique approach to read the universe like an elegant book. It is a new way of understanding science to strengthen your belief and establish sound character.
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