5D Thinking on the Human Ears
The world is full of amazing sounds to experience. Your ears are portals through which you can communicate with other people, learn language and knowledge and keep your body safe from danger. The structure of your ears is fascinating. While scientists have a general idea of how our ears work, they are still trying to understand the mysteries hidden in the miraculous process of hearing. Now, let us take a journey deep into the ears to uncover the deeper meanings and moral lessons hidden within them. You can download the brief version (6 pages) or the full version (23 pages) from the links on the right side of the page.
In the first dimension, Analytical Thinking, we explore the parts of our ears that are equipped with the mechanisms responsible for hearing and keeping our balance, and discover some remarkable facts about human hearing. Next, in the second dimension, Analogical Thinking, we compare the design and function of a cochlear implant to the human ear and discover how deaf or hard-of-hearing patients hear sounds. Then, in the third dimension, Critical Thinking, we reflect on how cochlear implants came to be, what raw materials they are made of, and how they are no match to the sophisticated human hearing system. In the fourth dimension, Meditative Thinking, we explore the hidden message in the phenomenon known as hearing and reflect on the attributes of its Maker. Finally, in the fifth dimension, Moral Thinking, we consider the value of our ears and discover how our quality of life would be compromised if we lost our ability to hear sounds.COMMENTS
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Nura Garba
The article is insightful one it takes it's reader to a deeper understanding of the ultimate maker of hearing, which will lead someone to appreciate its maker, that is the Almighty God. Thanks a lot for a kind contribution @5DThinking.
Ayşegül Ramazan
Very powerful article. How interesting facts we don't even recognize.Thank you so much.
shahnax rana
information in new style
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