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5D Thinking Team
Book Review: Dr Colin Turner's The Quran Revealed: A Critical Analysis of Said Nursi’s Epistles of Light by Dr Abdulmajid Khan

Man in the contemporary world is confused and fraught with choices and dilemmas- he is not sure what to choose, why to choose and what the implications of his choices are. This does not mean that he cannot justify his actions, but the consequences of his actions often create serious problems and issues and thus the rationale of his thought and actions deserve more scrutiny. Paradoxically, man has digressed from the way of his predecessors by ignoring and rebelling against God, prophets and his own spirit and soul. Meanwhile, he has completely relied on his senses and rational faculties to create the apparent best for the individual and society at large.



Through globalization, the thought and practices adopted by the mainstream scientific community in Europe have taken over the whole world. Traditional societies formed and sustained on the basis of revelations have not been spared. However, ‘men of God’ such as Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, who withstood all sorts of persecution , continued to help distraught man connect to his blessed ancestors, thereby inheriting wisdom and connecting to his own innate wisdom and sprit. Said Nursi, through his Epistles of Light , proved to be a breather for a dying society overtaken by secularism and materialism. His explanations of certain Qur’anic themes linked to the existing mental struggles of human beings proved pivotal in bringing significant parts of society back to life. Close perusal of his Epistles of Light is found to enlighten readers with illuminations of the Revealed Qur’an to help them see reality in different dimensions.


Colin Turner has immersed himself in the Epistles of Light and created a collection of impressive gems draped in beautiful language to lead contemporary man towards a path based on faith and dedication to the cause of truth and virtue. In “The Quran Revealed: A Critical Analysis of Said Nursi’s Epistles of Light”, the adopted methodology is in in consonance with the qualitative method of research and study. Turner’s eloquent writing leads to a deep inner search for meaning. His book is a significant addition to Nursi literature and is hoped to cater to the needs of English speaking people across the globe.

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