5D Thinking on the Learning Brain
when you were born in this world you didn’t know much, did you? As a baby, you soaked up the world around you as soon as you took your first breath. You learned to associate your mother’s scent with comfort, milk and rest. How did you learn that? Is it possible to survive in this world without learning?Let's explore the learning brain through 5D thinking approach. You can download the brief version (5 pages) or the full version (26 pages) from the links on the right side of the page.
In the first dimension, Analytical Thinking, we explore parts of the brain that are equipped with the capacity for learning using existing scientific knowledge. Next, in the second dimension, Analogical Thinking, we compare the role of an air traffic controller with the human brain's ability to guide, navigate and protect the physical body. Then, in the third dimension, Critical Thinking, we reflect on how our brain’s inborn faculties are much more sophisticated and complex that any 'gadget' or technology used in the process of controlling air traffic. In the fourth dimension, Meditative Thinking, we explore the hidden message in the phenomenon known as learning happening through the brain and reflect on the attributes of its Maker. Finally, in the fifth dimension, Moral Thinking, we consider the value of our learning brain, and discover how our life would be affected if the parts of our brain responsible for our cognitive abilities were compromised.COMMENTS
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