5D Thinking on the Human Eyes
Close your eyes and think about what life would be like without vision. You are in absolute darkness now. How do you feel? We depend on our eyes to see, to read and to navigate our way around. Have you ever wondered how your eyes work? Let's have a multi-dimensional journey into the amazing human eyes. You can download the brief version (5 pages) or the full version (19 pages) from the links on the right side of the page.
In the first dimension, Analytical Thinking, we explore parts of the eyes that are equipped with the capacity for vision using existing scientific knowledge. Next, in the second dimension, Analogical Thinking, we compare the functional features of a digital camera with the various components of the eyes and discover some fascinating facts about how our eyes help us navigate our way in the world. Then, in the third dimension, Critical Thinking, we reflect on the invention of the bionic eye and on how our eyes are much more sophisticated and complex than any digital camera or bionic eye. In the fourthdimension, Meditative Thinking, we explore the hidden message in the phenomenon known as vision and come to the conclusion that the eyes can only be the work of The One who has the knowledge, wisdom, power and will to create perfection in every living thing. Finally, in the fifth dimension, Moral Thinking, we ponder the value of eyes and discover how our life would be affected if we did not have the ability to see. Lastly, we learn how to show appreciation to the Generous Creator of our eyes through remembrance, reflection and gratitude.COMMENTS
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