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5D Thinking Team
Book Review: "Islamic Scientific Tradition in History" By Aisha Al Owais

In “Islamic Scientific Tradition in History”, Dr. Alparslan Acikgenc develops a historical framework of Islamic scientific tradition and uses this framework to closely examine the history of science and philosophy in Islam. 



Acikgenc brilliantly applies his developed historical framework to actual events in Islamic civilization, which include the development of the sciences. Unlike other books that are concerned with highlighting the prominent scientific achievements of any given civilization, this book investigates the nature of a scientific traditionnot only from a historical perspective, but also from a philosophical (epistemological) and sociological perspective. 


The methodology followed by the author in the book is outstanding as he sets an epistemological foundation before embarking on the scientific process in the Islamic civilization. The scientific process is originally described and divided into five hierarchical stages starting from the Stage of the Worldview followed by The Stage of Problems and the Emergence of the Knowledge Tradition, The Disciplinary Stage, The Naming Stage and finally, The Take-Off Stage and the Emergence of a Tradition.


 In short, this book offers the reader a deep understanding of the scientific process in any civilization and acts as a unique lens through which a clearer view of the history of science is revealed.

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