5D Thinking on the Earth's Atmosphere
Have you ever thought about why the oceans do not evaporate into space? Or why we never seem to run out of air to breathe in? In this chapter, we will learn about the fascinating aspects of the atmosphere using our usual method: five-dimensional thinking. But more importantly, we will try to interpret the meaning of the wonderful design of the atmosphere: what it means for us, for our lives and for our destiny.
In the first dimension, Analytical Thinking, we study the atmosphere, its layers and its vital role in keeping out ultraviolet radiation, sheltering us from incoming meteors, retaining heat, oxygen and water and transferring sound. Next, in the second dimension, Analogical Thinking, we compare the function of the atmosphere to the process by which by man-made air purification systems collect unwanted air particles in our homes. Then, in the third dimension, Critical Thinking, we reflect on the technology used to make a man-made ionizing filter or an ozone purifier. We consider whether it is possible develop this technology without studying engineering. We learn that from experience, it takes knowledge, will and power to bring certain materials together to create air purifying technologies. In the fourth dimension, Meditative Thinking, we explore the hidden messages in the construction and maintenance of the invisible giant we call the atmosphere, and reflect on the attributes of the atmosphere's Maker. Finally, in the fifth dimension, the Moral Thinking dimension, we reflect on the value of the Earth's atmosphere and conclude that the Creator is communicating to us directly through His creative acts of making and sustaining the atmosphere.COMMENTS
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